Our Committee
The B.A.B.Y. Foundation is 100% staffed by Volunteers. Our committee includes doctors, industry professionals and many other dedicated individuals. We all work together to provide aide to families in Northern Colorado.
Trista Gangestad – President
Heather Smallwood - Treasurer
Annabelle Rusco - Secretary
Michelle Wicke – Donations Director
Christina Rusco – Donations Director
Kaley Bell - Gala Director
Erin Veile – Gala Design Director
Amanda Meads – Grant/Fundraising Coordinator
Brittany Weber – Applications Liaison
Lyndsey Long – Applications Liaison
Michaela Pariseau – Graphic Design
Hallie Dantzler – Social Media Coordinator
Madison Grahn – Social Media Coordinator
Melissa Jackson – Website Designer
Tina Bunn – Website Designer
Lindsay Wicke - Immediate Past President
Bridget Brown – Past President
Dee Arellano
Kassey Braun
Lee Bliss
Katie Armstrong
Brooklyn Rusco
Sarah Lesko
Mely Carrillo
Rebecca Kirk
Judy Harden
Rachel Sams
Robyn Reisch
Josie Ringlein
Emily Fawaz
Mary Baker
Kristen Wolf
Vanessa Bouchard

“Having served various positions on our committee, it is my honor to serve The B.A.B.Y. Foundation as president. When a family is forced to face the challenge of having a sick child, the last thing they should need to worry about is money. My goal is to help relieve as much financial stress as possible for families so they can save all of their energy for their children.”
Trista Gangestad - President